Orano Limited
Suite 1, Second Floor, East Wing
The Lambourn
Wyndyke Furlong
OX14 1UJ
Orano Limited The Lambourn Wyndyke Furlong Abingdon OX14 1UJ |
Telephone: +44 (0)1235 555755 |
How to find us
Nearest stations to the Orano Limited Abingdon office:
Didcot Parkway: 7.4 miles (50 minutes to London)
Oxford: 8.5 miles (1 hour to London)
Several buses run to Abingdon from across Oxfordshire. Operating bus companies as follows:
Oxford Bus Company: 01865 785400: http://www.oxfordbus.co.uk/
Stagecoach: 01865 772250: https://www.stagecoachbus.com/
Pryors Didcot: 01235 812345: http://pryors.co.uk/
Brown’s Taxis: 01235 554554: http://www.brownstaxis.co.uk/
Please get in touch for more information
» g-orn-opl-contact@orano.group
» +44 (0)1235 555755